Friday, July 1, 2011

Part 2 | 25 Principals for a Successful Landing Page Design

It is important to get conversions for your business. This is the goal of all online businesses. It is important that you convince your visitors to take action. These actions can be any of the following;
-       Registering for your newsletter
-       Purchasing your goods or services
Although you might get traffic to your page daily, in order for your marketing strategy to be successful you have to get the conversions.
The goals of a good landing page will have to convince the visitor to stay long enough to fill out a form, provide personal details, read and buy your product or service.
25 Principals for a Successful Landing Page Design
Please also read 25 Principals for a Successful Landing Page Design, Part 1

6. Choose Your Graphics Well
Keep the graphics simple and in co-ordination with the colors of your design. Having too much color can cause confusion and drive traffic away. A color scheme that is one of contrasting hues is a good idea.

7. Perfection Projection
The picture that you use to capture your visitor is the most important thing in a landing page design. You only have a couple of seconds to enthrall the audience and a well-positioned image that relates to your product or service is what will be the thing that your visitor will notice first. Often, the image is the first thing they notice and then your headline and then the rest of the landing page. If you do not have a proper image, then make sure that any creative element ties in what got them to your page in the first place. Continuity in the layout and graphic design of your page with not confuse the visitor, and so there will be less of a chance of them leaving abruptly.

8. Minor Images
Minor images should be also utilized to get your message across. However, make sure that these images are just that, minor ones that support that main element of your page. For example; you are offering writing services, your main focus should be all about the services that you offer and the page should have a lot of text. Graphics such as writing paper and ink can be used in this sample. If you have a page that is rather technical in nature, such as statistics; your page should have some text, but also some graphs and charts to back up your statement.
Graphics such as a color box behind a message that you want visitors to really take notice of, will help it to stand out. An example of this could be the security feature of your page.

9. Prominent and Consistent Messages
Your creativeness should be related throughout the design of the landing page. If your campaign is a PPC ad- when the visitor clicks that ad they should be taken to a landing page that has the same graphic or offer. For example, a person clicks an ad for a washing machine and lands on a page that is for televisions, will only cause them to become confused and leave quickly.

10. Keep It Simple
No overcrowding your landing page. Design a simple, creative landing page that gets your message across to the visitor in the most positive tone. Do not have a navigation bar as this will give them reason to click it and go elsewhere. By keeping it simple and direct in this case will gain you conversions. In other words, less is more.

Please continue reading in 25 Principals for a Successful Landing Page Design, Part 3

Improve your conversion rate by tweaking your landing page. By doing so, you will convert your traffic by fifty percent. If you do not tweak your page, you will have to increase your advertising budget by 50 percent.

The Bottom Line?
Improve your landing page as much as you can and by doing so you will increase your profit margin. For example; Designer boots sell at $100 a pair and you get a 10% profit margin. So with traffic of 1000 visitors a day and typical 2% conversion, you sell 20 pairs a day and make $200 a day. If you apply these 25 principals, spend some time and money, and tweak your landing page, you can get 3% conversion. Then, with still a 1000 visitors a day, you sell 30 pairs and make $300! And keep on going! Then, you can apply best SEO principals to attract more visitors to the website.

Tweaking and testing your landing page is simple. Take some time to make sure that you do this and watch your profit climb.