It is important to get conversions for your business. This is the goal of all online businesses. It is important that you convince your visitors to take action. These actions can be any of the following;
- Registering for your newsletter
- Purchasing your goods or services
Although you might get traffic to your page daily, in order for your marketing strategy to be successful you have to get the conversions.
25 Principals for a Successful Landing Page Design
Please also read 25 Principals for a Successful Landing Page Design, Part 1, 2 and 3
16. Testimonials
Testimonials are powerful persuasion. A concise, honest testimonial is great to convert others to do business with you. Location, name and a picture from past customers is a strong selling point. Make sure the testimonials are relevant to what you have to offer and your target audience.
17. Show Credibility
Awards, certificates, memberships as well as compliances that show others that you are a reliable business will help to build trust as well as credibility. In fact, any type of positive media coverage is a plus so make sure that you show that on your page.
18. Sales Pitch - Above the Fold
Make sure that all the important information is higher than the fold. The fold is the point where the visitor will have to scroll in order to view your information. If your call to action is below the fold you might lose their interest. Therefore, design your page with the lowest common denominator. This means that your page size should be 950 x 750. Others might look at the information below the fold but most will not. Have the most important information above the fold. You can place information that is not as important in the bottom half.
19. The Call to Action!
Sometimes due to budgeting a marketer will make use of a company home page as a landing page. This might bring in some conversions but it is not the best way to convert traffic into sales. Designing a landing page that has a snappy heading, a quick tag line above the call to action will gain attention from your traffic. Taglines such as; register here, send email to a friend, buy now and so forth, will stand in the forefront in your visitor’s eyes. These attention grabbing tags will gain you conversions.
20. Repeat Your Calls to Action
Make sure that your page displays your call to action in enough places. This, of course, depends on your page size. If you decided to have a message below the fold, make sure that the content is flowing properly so that the visitor will know that it continues on below the fold and they must scroll down. An idea would be to have the call to action at the beginning, the middle of the page and near the fold. The message near the fold could read, for example; Wait! Before you leave, make sure you read about this dramatic breakthrough about our awesome product. A message such as this will compel the visitor to read further.
Please continue reading in 25 Principals for a Successful Landing Page Design, Part 4
Improve your conversion rate by tweaking your landing page. By doing so, you will convert your traffic by fifty percent. If you do not tweak your page, you will have to increase your advertising budget by 50 percent.
The Bottom Line?
Improve your landing page as much as you can and by doing so you will increase your profit margin. For example; Designer boots sell at $100 a pair and you get a 10% profit margin. So with traffic of 1000 visitors a day and typical 2% conversion, you sell 20 pairs a day and make $200 a day. If you apply these 25 principals, spend some time and money, and tweak your landing page, you can get 3% conversion. Then, with still a 1000 visitors a day, you sell 30 pairs and make $300! And keep on going! Then, you can apply best SEO principals to attract more visitors to the website.
Tweaking and testing your landing page is simple. Take some time to make sure that you do this and watch your profit climb.
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